Beaphar Anti-Parasite Spot on for birds is a veterinary medicine containing Ivermectin (10ug per pipette), which is effective against roundworms, feather lice, red (blood) mites, feather mites, air sac mites and mange mites (scaly face) for up to 4 weeks after treatment. This pack contains 2 pipettes
- How to use: Twist off the cap and apply entire contents of pipette to the base of the feathers, on the bird's neck.
- Birds' feathers are adapted to shed rain and this same principle will cause the bird spot-on to run-off if applied superficially.
- It is important that the solution be applied onto the skin or soft down feathers, otherwise it will not work.
- While squeezing out the contents, spread the solution over as great a surface of the skin as possible.
- A small bird will be quite damp after application, so keep your bird warm until dry. A second treatment should not be required, but if it is, leave 4 weeks before re-applying