Cat Flea Tick

26 products
26 products
  • Beaphar Flea Catwalk Collar
    Beaphar Flea Catwalk Collar
    Beaphar Flea Catwalk Collar
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  • Johnson's Fipronil Spot On
    Johnson's Fipronil Spot On
    Johnson's Fipronil Spot On
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Cat Flea Tick

Fleas are difficult to control, but it’s so important to keep your Fur Baby on a regular Flea Treatment for Cats and tick prevention program. We offer a range of products to help you. Our products will include Kitten Flea Treatment and Flea Medicine for Cats with step-by-step instructions to enable the user to control fleas without the need to go to the vet. We have a range of flea and tick spot-on, combs, shampoos, and wipes.

FRONTLINE Spot On is our original flea and tick spot-on formula, first used by vets, now available without a prescription. Once applied the treatment will protect your cat from fleas and ticks for up to a month, and also treat lice. Browse from Bob Martin, Drontal, Beaphar, Frontline, and Animology.